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Richard Haass is a U.S. diplomat, author, and former president of the Council on Foreign Relations. Before joining the Council in 2003, Haass was Director of Policy Planning for the Department of State, where

Haass, Richard

Fred Haefele is an essayist and writer who published his award-winning motorcycle memoir, Rebuilding the Indian, in 1998. Haefele has been published in Outside, Wired, Newsday, and The New York Times. He has

Haefele, Fred

Stephen W. Sears is the author of George B. McClellan: The Young Napoleon . His article on Antietam appeared in the April 1989 issue.

Hagerman, Edward
Haggerty, Rosanne is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Haggerty, Rosanne

Emily Hahn (1905-1997) was an American journalist and author. Called "a forgotten American literary treasure" by The New Yorker magazine, she was the author of 52 books and more than 180 articles and stories.

Hahn, Emily

Dr. Francis Haines taught social science at Oregon College of Education and was a well-known authority on the Nez Percé Indians and the Appaloosa breed of horses. Born in West Virginia, he was raised in Montana

Haines, Francis

Shirlee Taylor Haizlip is currently working on a sequel to The Sweeter the Juice , which is now in paperback from Touchstone.

Haizlip, Shirlee Taylor

David Halberstam’s books include The Best and the Brightest , The Powers That Be , and The Reckoning . This article is excerpted from The Fifties , which will be published by Villard Books, a division

Halberstam, David
Hale, Judson is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Hale, Judson

William Harlan Hale is managing editor of HORIZON . His last contribution to AMERICAN HERITAGE was “When the Red Storm Broke,” in the February, 1961, issue. For further reading: Churchill-Roosevelt-

Hale, William Harlan

Judson D. Hale, Sr., is the editor in chief of Yankee magazine and The Old Farmer’s Almanac .

Hale, Sr., Judson D.
Haley, James L. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Haley, James L.

Ben M. Hall—who claims to have had one head in the clouds since he spotted the first alto-cumulus on the ceiling of the Fox Theater in Atlanta at an impressionable age—is author of the forthcoming history of

Hall, Ben M.

Oakley Hall is a writer and teacher living in California. Several of his novels with Western settings, including Warlock , have been made into films.

Hall, Oakley
Hall, Bruce Edward is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Hall, Bruce Edward

Robert A. Hall Massachusetts Senate, 1973-82 Madison, Wis.

Hall, Robert A.

E.M. Halliday (1913-2003) was a longtime senior editor of American Heritage, is the author of Understanding Thomas Jefferson; When Hell Froze Over, an account of the Allied invasion of Soviet Russia in 1918-19

Halliday, E. M.

Mark Halliday is professor of English at Ohio University, and a noted American poet, professor and critic. He is author of six collections of poetry, most recently "Thresherphobe" (University of Chicago Press

Halliday, Mark

Mark Hallum is the Managing Editor of American Heritage and Invention & Technology Magazines, and a recipient of a Poynter-Koch Media and Journalism Fellowship for 2021-2022.

Mark spent seven years

Hallum, Mark


Halstead, Murat

Ed Halverson was a veteran of the United States Air Force, during the Korean War. He later joined to Suffolk County Police Department and was influential in the arrest of John Gotti.

Halverson, Ed

Virginia Van der Veer Hamilton teaches American history at the University of Alabama and is the author of a biography of Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black.

Hamilton, Virginia Van Der Veer
Hamilton, William B. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Hamilton, William B.

Bray Hammond (1886-1968) was a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and assistant secretary of Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System between the years of 1944 and 1950. He was the author of Sovereignty and

Hammond, Bray

William Peirce Randel was a longtime professor of English at the University of Maine. He authored numerous books, including The Ku Klux Klan: A Century of Infamy (Chilian, 1965) and, more recently, The

Handel, William Peirce
Handley, Philomena is member for American Heritage site since 2016.
Handley, Philomena

Copyright, 1954, 1955, by Oscar Handlin. A professor of history at Harvard University, Oscar Handlin is the author of a number of books. In 1952 he won the Pulitzer Prize with The Uprooted , a study of

Handlin, Oscar

This article is based upon an address given by the author as one of the Lilly Endowment Lectures of the Program for Christian Culture at St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana. Dr. Hanke, former Director of

Hanke, Lewis
Hannan, Emily is member for American Heritage site since 2016.
Hannan, Emily

Richard Hanser is the writer for the National Broadcasting Company’s award-winning documentary television series, Project 20 . Among his best-remembered scripts have been “Meet Mr. Lincoln,” “Mark Twain’s

Hanser, Richard

Victor Davis Hanson is an American military historian, columnist, former classics professor, and scholar of ancient warfare. He was a professor of classics at California State University, Fresno, and is

Hanson, Victor Davis

David Hapgood, a former journalist for the New York Times , is the author of seven books, most recently The Screwing of the Average Man (1974) and The Average Man Fights Back (1977).

Hapgood, David

Walter Hording is secretary of the Thoreau Society. He recently co-edited Henry David Thoreau: Studies and Commentaries (1972).

Harding, Walter

Major Hargreaves is a retired British army officer, a graduate of Cheltenham, and the author of a number of books of history. He lives at Wootton St. Lawrence in Hampshire.

Hargreaves, Reginald

Alvin Harlow has written extensively on transportation and social history. Among his books are Steelways of Old New England , Old Bowery Days and Weep No More, My Lady .

Harlow, Alvin

Aljean Harmetz’s many books about the movies include The Making of Casablanca: Bogart, Bergman, and World War II .

Harmetz, Aljean

The unique Miss Flock is one of the memories of growing up in Iowa that Mr. Harnack describes m his new book, We Have All Gone Away , to be published by Doubleday & Co. in March. COPYRIGHT & 1973 BY

Harnack, Curtis

Anthony Harrigan is editorial writer for The Charleston News and Courier and a free-lance contributor to scholarly quarterlies and national magazines. His great-great-great-great-uncle, Richard Hutson, was

Harrigan, Anthony
Harriman, Pamela C. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Harriman, Pamela C.

Sherwood Harns is with the International General Books division of the Reader’s Digest . A former Navy carrier pilot who still gets aloft occasionally, he wrote an article called “Coast to Coast in 12 Crashes

Harris, Sherwood

Leon Harris, a free-lance writer who frequently covers historical topics, is currently at work on a book about American Jewish department store families and their influence on American society.

Harris, Leon

Neil Harris is Professor of History at the University of Chicago.

Harris, Neil
Hart, James D. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Hart, James D.

Kent Hartman is a marketing and merchandising consultant for the music industry and has taught marketing and entrepreneurship at Oregon State University and Portland State University. He hosts a weekly radio

Hartman, Kent

Dickson Hartwell first learned to admire the jeep while serving as an air Force lieutenant colonel in the Pacific. He is the author of a book, Dogs Against Darkness , and of many articles for general

Hartwell, Dickson

Eleanor Jones Harvey is a senior curator at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Her research interests include eighteenth-, nineteenth- and early twentieth-century American art, notably landscape painting,

Harvey, Eleanor Jones

Michael Harwood is a naturalist, historian, and free-lance writer who lives in Connecticut. He has written on matters as diverse as birds and past Vice Presidents.

Harwood, Michael
Haskell, Frank Aretas is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Haskell, Frank Aretas

Thom Hatch is an award-winning author and biographer of Native American and American military history. His recently completed Osceola and the Great Seminole War: A Struggle for Freedom and Justice, was released

Hatch, Thom

Don Hausrath is a retired Foreigh Service officer who worked in China, the Soviet Union and other postings around the world. He is the author of From Agincourt to Zanzibar: A Where-in-the-World Guide to 300+

Hausrath, Don

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