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Harold Holzer

Harold Holzer, a frequent contributor and winner of a 2005 Lincoln Prize for Lincoln at Cooper Union: The Speech That Made Abraham Lincoln President (Simon & Schuster 2006), has written more than 40 books about the 16th president. He currently chairs The Lincoln Bicentennial Foundation and was awarded the National Humanities Medal by President George W. Bush in 2008. Holzer, educated at the City University of New York, first worked as a newspaper editor for The Manhattan Tribune, served as a political campaign press secretary for Congresswoman Bella S. Abzug and Governor Mario Cuomo, and currently works as a Senior Vice President at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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Articles by this Author

Lincoln came out a victor in the 1860 presidential election despite winning only 2 percent of the Southern vote
The Emancipation Proclamation opened the door for Pennsylvania's African-American soldiers
Bare-knuckles politicking and a brilliant campaign strategy enabled the dark horse to win
Lincoln’s oration at New York’s Cooper Union showed that the prairie lawyer could play in the big leagues
Lincoln The Orator, Winter 2009 | Vol. 58, No. 6
Our most talented writer-president always wrote his own material and sweated hours over it
Lincoln’s Legacy, Winter 2009 | Vol. 58, No. 6
As we approach the bicentennial of his birth, leading historians look at the man and his achievements
After a century and a half, the warship that changed the world is back
Reading America’s Most Famous Speech
It’s a far cry from a log cabin
Who was the Widow Bixby?
The 120-year-old Gettysburg cyclorama is again a work in progress
What happened to all the other cycloramas?
A crucial letter and life portrait finally surface
A student of the speech that changed Lincoln’s career visits the place where he gave it
Lincoln Quote, October 2002 | Vol. 53, No. 5
Prizing History, May/June 2000 | Vol. 51, No. 3
Some distinguished enthusiasts reveal just how they fell under his powerful spell
A stereo view discovered in a California flea market may show the President-elect embarked on a momentous journey
The great emancipator and the liberator of Kuwait get together in the newest White House portrait
Dorsal Debate, July/August 1995 | Vol. 46, No. 4
A report from the field on the battle to authenticate what its owner still hopes is the earliest Lincoln photograph
Unknown until now, it just may be
…so Lincoln joked. Actually he was eager to pose for portraits.


A student of the speech that changed Lincoln’s career visits the place where he gave it New York City’s Cooper Union, I was not yet a teen-ager, but I was already mad to learn everything I could about the most famous man who ever appeared there. Abraham Lincoln’s 1860 Cooper Union address—his first…