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E. M. Halliday

E.M. Halliday (1913-2003) was a longtime senior editor of American Heritage, is the author of Understanding Thomas Jefferson; When Hell Froze Over, an account of the Allied invasion of Soviet Russia in 1918-19, and a memoir of the poet John Berryman. He has also wrote a number of articles for The New Yorker.

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Articles by this Author

A Scottish émigré became the most powerful man in the French government, and sold hundreds of thousands of shares in land holdings in the Mississippi Valley
The granite was tough—but so was Gutzon Borglum
THE LUSITANIA DISASTER: An Episode in Modern Warfare and Diplomacy
Scott & Zelda, October 1974 | Vol. 25, No. 6
Sphairistiké, Anyone?, June 1971 | Vol. 22, No. 4
Introduced not quite a century ago under a name born for oblivion, the game of tennis promises to last forever
They had no chair lifts, and they called their skis snowshoes, but they were the fastest men alive
Geronimo!, June 1966 | Vol. 17, No. 4
It took five thousand American troopers a year and a half to run down the great Apache raider and his lethal band. They did it by tough persistence and skill—or was it guile?
The Man On Horseback, August 1964 | Vol. 15, No. 5
War heroes have often made good presidential candidates. Sometimes they have even made good Presidents
Jefferson and Madison led a revolutionary fight for complete separation of church and state. Their reasons probed the basic relation between religion and democracy
Latrobe’s America, August 1962 | Vol. 13, No. 5
The great public buildings of a restless genius helped shape the face of his adopted country, and his journals, letters, and sketches brilliantly caught the spirit of the young nation
Connecticut-born John Ledyard became the first American to see Alaska and Hawaii. Years before Lewis and Clark, he planned to cross the North American continent—from west to east
Twice in one generation we kept Russia from starving; the Kremlin plays it down, but the people we fed remember—and history will not forget