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Sherwood Harris

Sherwood Harns is with the International General Books division of the Reader’s Digest . A former Navy carrier pilot who still gets aloft occasionally, he wrote an article called “Coast to Coast in 12 Crashes” for our October, 1964, issue that became the germ of the book from which the foregoing excerpt has been taken. Entitled The First to Fly: Aviation’s Pioneer Days , Mr. Harris’ book will be published this month by Simon & Schuster.

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The First To Fly, June 1970 | Vol. 21, No. 4
Only the rudder and a strut or two remained ol his original plane and he was on crutches, but CaI Rodgers flew from sea to sea and lived—just barely
Half a century before Jamestown, a Huguenot sea captain planted the flag of France on America’s South Atlantic coast. His hopes were as high as the odds against him