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Adam David Gibbons

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Good Reading, December 1979 | Vol. 31, No. 1


Radical Republican and Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Thaddeus Stevens advocated a property tax to pay for the Civil War. The Confederates’ decisive defeat of Union forces at the Battle of Bull Run/Manassas so shocked the U.S. government that it instituted an income tax for the first…
Last Thursday evening 100 shivering revelers lined up outside the Westminster Burying Grounds in the bleakly quiet streets of West Baltimore. Far from somber, although many came dressed in black, the crowd members tittered and stamped their feet against the January chill, eager to celebrate the…
Me and my veteran, Wes Hardin, at the WWII memorial "When they flew over us at Guadalcanal during World War II," said Wes Hardin pointing to a sleek Japanese Kawanishi N1K2-Ja Shiden fighter, "they made a racket, sounding like an old-fashioned washing machine." The 92-year-old veteran and I were…