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What the future president learned during a coast-to-coast military motor expedition would later transform America. 

The Model T Ford made the world we live in. On the 100th anniversary of the company Henry Ford founded, his biographer Douglas Brinkley tells how.

"I will build a motor car for the great multitude,” Henry Ford proclaimed to the public when he announced the machine that would change America and indeed the world.

a million men and women serve two-thirds of the country in a crucial volunteer service that began only recently—and only because a nine-year-old boy witnessed a drowning


Teetotaling twin brothers built the most wonderful car of their era, and its day of glory may not be over yet

“Come and see the boiling cloud,” said a woman on the ground; aloft, the slender Shenandoah headed straight into the eye of the vicious squall

Snowshed crews on the Central Pacific, battling blizzards and snowslides, built “the longest house in the world”

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