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Stories Published in this Year

1947Fifty Years Ago | December 1997 (Volume: 48, Issue: 8)

The Kinsey Report

Out off Africa!

Lincoln and Thoreau Get Pious

1947Fifty Years Ago | December 1997 (Volume: 48, Issue: 8)

The Transistor

Seventy-five Years Ago
| December 1997 (Volume: 48, Issue: 8)

Aimée and Coué Improve Your Life

Texas Testament | December 1997 (Volume: 48, Issue: 8)

A LIFETIME AGO A QUIET STRANGER passed through the author’s hometown and came away with a record of both personal and national importance

He was in the vanguard of that wave of young Britons who, in the 1960s stormed our shores and gave us back our musical heritage

Can it be fair? Humane? Deter crime? These very current questions troubled Americans just as much in the day of the Salem witch trials as in the day of Timothy McVeigh

No Answer | December 1997 (Volume: 48, Issue: 8)

The super-secret atomic bomb made a giant, bright yellow fireball like a super-sun that hurt the eyes.

Final Service | December 1997 (Volume: 48, Issue: 8)

Will Rogers might not have died if Wiley Post had taken my advice about his airplane

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