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Warren G. Magnuson

This is the second contribution to AMERICAN HERITAGE by Washington’s Senator Magnuson. His previous article, “Oneshot War with England,” appeared in the April, 1960, issue.
For further reading: Westward Expansion: History of the American Frontier , by Ray Alien Billington (Macmillan, 1960); The Sod House Frontier , 1854-1890, by Everett Dick (Johnsen, 1954); The Great Plains , by Walter P. Webb (Ginn, 1931).

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Pharaoh Had It Easy, October 1960 | Vol. 11, No. 6
Egypt’s locusts could not have been more terrible than those which blighted the Great Plains for four summers, then vanished as mysteriously as they had come
It lasted for years and the outcome was decided by the Kaiser. The total casualties: one dead pig