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Stephen Molton

Stephen Molton is an author, filmmaker, professor, painter, and former film executive who serves as Professor of Writing and Producing for Television at the TV Writers Studio MFA program at Long Island University Brooklyn. Since 2007, he has also served as Adjunct Associate Professor of screenwriting at Columbia University. Molton collaborated with Gus Russo on his latest work, Brothers in Arms: The Kennedys, the Castros, and the Politics of Murder and is completing two new books, the first for Crown/Random House, due out in the spring of 2014. He has produced two documentary features and served as a creative executive at HBO, Showtime Networks, Inc., and MTV Networks and has written screenplays for New Line Cinema, Viacom Productions, and Paramount Television

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Incriminating new evidence has come to light in KGB files and the authors' interviews of former Cuban intelligence officers that indicates Fidel Castro probably knew in advance of Oswald's intent to kill JFK.