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Robert W. Merry

Robert Merry is the editor of The American Conservative and a longtime Washington journalist and publishing executive. He has published five books on American history and foreign policy, including the most recent, President McKinley: Architect of the American Century, released in 2017 by Simon & Schuster.

Merry spent 12 years as a political reporter for The Wall Street Journal and 22 years as an executive at Congressional Quarterly Inc., including 12 years as CEO. After CQ was sold to The Economist of London, he served as editor of The National Interest. 

Merry has also written for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Weekly Standard, The National ReviewThe American Spectator, and The National Interest. He has appeared on Meet the Press, Face the Nation, Newsmakers, and many other programs. 

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Articles by this Author

Although his flamboyant successor, Theodore Roosevelt, largely overshadowed him, William McKinney deserves credit for establishing the U.S. as a global power, acquiring Hawaii and Puerto Rico, establishing the “fair trade” doctrine, and paving the way for TR’s accomplishments.
Polk's Peace, Winter 2010 | Vol. 59, No. 4
By war-making and shrewd negotiating, the 11th president expanded U.S. territory by a third.