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I played with the knobs and dials, not knowing I might have blown up Chicago.
I had a special reason for covering myself with Alf Landon campaign buttons.
Many of us had ghastly wounds or missing limbs from shrapnel, bullets, or fire. “I know just how you boys feel,” the President announced.
Bull Session, September 1997 | Vol. 48, No. 5
“Shut up!” I blurted out at the voice behind me while I was trying to hear a critical weather report on the U.S.S. Missouri.
The Witness, April 1997 | Vol. 48, No. 2
My Brush With History, April 1997 | Vol. 48, No. 2
Wild West Show, September 1996 | Vol. 47, No. 5
Beyond Belief, July/August 1996 | Vol. 47, No. 4
The Spokesman, May/June 1996 | Vol. 47, No. 3
The Concert, May/June 1996 | Vol. 47, No. 3
Head Man, December 1995 | Vol. 46, No. 8
The End On Okinawa, May/June 1995 | Vol. 46, No. 3
Oyez, Oyez, Oyez, November 1994 | Vol. 45, No. 7
Fdr In My Sights, October 1994 | Vol. 45, No. 6
Truman Scholar, October 1994 | Vol. 45, No. 6


Mary Jane Armstrong Henney, of Mansfield, Ohio, who is 87 years old, writes: “I compile books on local history. My contention is that the original text, written at the time history happened, is more accurate and revealing than what is written in later years.” With her letter, Mrs. Henney included…