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Laurence Farmer

Dr. Laurence Farmer is the author of Master Surgeon: A Biography of Joseph Lister and of Doctors’ Legacy, a volume of physicians’ letters covering 250 years.  "It is impossible to give more than a suggestion of the multum-ln-parvo richness found in this collection of letters from medical men to their patients and other friends," wrote a reviewer in The Tennessean. "The time-span is from the early 18th century to the present and practically every great name in the annals of medical literature, from Goldsmith to Cushing, comes in for mention."

Dr. Farmer discussed the 1793 epidemic of yellow fever in Philadelphia in the April 1956, issue of AMERICAN HERITAGE.

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In Boston, where one in six was dying of the plague, the great preacher battled for a new and radical idea.
Yellow fever killed 4,000 in Philadelphia in 1793, and puzzled doctors ignored the real clue to blame “miasmata” in the air.