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John G. Mitchell

Mr. Mitchell was past editor of Sierra Club Books and a longtime editor and writer for Audubon magazine. He worked for National Geographic from 1994 to 2004. He wrote eight books, including Losing Ground (1975), Alaska Stories (1984) and Dispatches From the Deep Woods (1991).

Mr. Mitchell was a regular contributor to AMERICAN HERITAGE and contributed scores of articles to magazines such as Wilderness and Smithsonian, and his work is included in several anthologies.

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Articles by this Author

What the public wanted, it seemed, was a vice and bootleg business netting sixty million dollars a year-and many gangland funerals
They went to the woods with rod and gun—and gloves, servants, caviar, and champagne
The National Rifle Association and the Right to Bear Arms
The Last Stand of King Grizzly
"We have permanently safeguarded an irreplaceable primitive area," said President Truman as he dedicated Everglades National Park in 1947. Bit what is permanence, and what is "safeguarded"? Did he speak too soon?