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Jack Hurst

Jack Hurst is a historian and former journalist who has written for newspapers including the Chicago TribunePhiladelphia Inquirer, and Nashville Tennessean.

Mr. Hurst's books include Nathan Bedford Forrest: A BiographyMen of Fire: Grant, Forrest, and the Campaign That Decided the Civil War, and Born to Battle: Grant and Forrest—Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Chattanooga.

A native of Maryville, Tennessee and a descendant of both Union and Confederate soldiers, he currently lives with his wife outside Nashville, Tennessee.

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The first significant Union victory in the Civil War is now honored at one of the newest National Monuments. It was a battle too often ignored by historians and the public.
Grant Splits Dixie, Summer 2017 | Vol. 62, No. 1
With his command threatened by allegations of drunkenness, Ulysses S. Grant went on the attack, won two major victories, demanded “Unconditional Surrender”, and nearly split the Confederacy in half.