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Hugh Maclennan

A recipient of many literary prizes and awards, Mr. MacLennan is one of Canada’s best-known writers as well as a professor at McGiIl University in Montreal. All of his novels, among which The Watch That Ends the Night (1959) and Two Solitudes (1945) are perhaps the most distinguished, have profoundly Canadian themes.
For further reading: Canada: A Modern History , by J. Bartlet Brebner (University of Michigan Press, 1960); Colony to Nation: A History of Canada , by Arthur M. Lower (Longmans, Green, 1946); The French Canadians, 1760–1945 , by Mason Wade (Macmillan, 1955).

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Articles by this Author

Canada, December 1965 | Vol. 17, No. 1
For an American, there is an ironic clue to the history of our neighbor to the north; she became a nation because her people did not wish to be swallowed up by the United States Quant aux Canadiens français, ils ne voulaient pas seulement éviter être absorbés par les États-Unis; ils ne voulaient pas davantage être absorbés parleurs compatriotes “anglais”