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Hugh Mac Lennan

Novelist, essayist, and professor of English at McGill University in Montreal, Hugh MacLennan has five times won the Governor General’s Award, Canada’s counterpart to the Pulitzer prize. He is best known in the United States for his widely acclaimed novel, The Watch That Ends the Night . “By Canoe to Empire” will be included in his latest book, Seven Rivers of Canada , soon to be published by Scribner’s.
For further reading: The Voyageur , by Grace Lee Nute (Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, 1955); The Fur Trade in Canada , by Harold A. Innis (Yale University, 1930).

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By Canoe To Empire, October 1961 | Vol. 12, No. 6
Paddling and portaging their way westward, pursuing the fur-bearing beaver in a trade where none but the hardiest could survive, the highhearted voyageurs and the enterprising Scots who led them opened Canada’s rich hinterland