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Eric Stange

Eric Stange is the founder and executive producer of Spy Pond Productions, which specializes in producing documentaries on historical and scientific topics. In addition, Strange is an award-winning director and writer whose work can be seen on PBS, The Discovery Channel, and the BBC. He has been awarded the Harvard University Charles Warren Fellowship in American History for his achievements, and writes a column on media and history for American Heritage.

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Articles by this Author

How digital mapping changes the way we see the past
Playing in the Past, Spring 2011 | Vol. 61, No. 1
Cyberhistory, in the form of alternate reality games (ARGs), offers a sometimes controversial but often engaging means of bringing the past alive
The Portable Past, Spring 2010 | Vol. 60, No. 1
Hist-ineers, terra-tives and mobi-sodes: Get ready for the brave new world of history on the really small screen.
Producer Thomas Allen Harris is launching a web initiative that seeks to digitize, archive, and intepret thousands of African-American photographs until now hidden in attics and shoeboxes
Drawn To The Past, Summer 2009 | Vol. 59, No. 2
Raising The Dead, Summer 2009 | Vol. 59, No. 2
Digital Reviews, Spring 2009 | Vol. 59, No. 1
Rearview Mirror, Fall 2008 | Vol. 58, No. 5
No Finer Bass Voice, Fall 2008 | Vol. 58, No. 5
Gonzo Gonzo Gone, Fall 2008 | Vol. 58, No. 5