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Ellen Feldman

Ellen Feldman is an author, historian, and 2009 Guggenheim Fellow who has written three books: Scottsboro, The Boy Who Loved Anne Frank, and Lucy. Feldman frequently writes for The Huffington Post and American Heritage, and has lectured across the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany.

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Articles by this Author

When the single most famous document to come out of the Holocaust was published in America half a century ago, it caused a sensation that made and ruined reputations and ignited furious arguments that resonate today
Cosmetic surgery was born 2,500 years ago and came of age in the inferno of the Western Front. The controversy about it is still growing.
FDR And His Women, March 2003 | Vol. 54, No. 1
A novelist who has just spent several years with them tells a moving story of love: public and private, given and withheld
Roosevelt, October 2002 | Vol. 53, No. 5
From its birth in pagan transactions with the dead to the current marketing push to make it a “seasonal experience,” America’s fastest-growing holiday has a history far older (and far stranger) than does Christmas itself
Ocean Liner, September 2001 | Vol. 52, No. 6
It has been with us since Plymouth Colony. But that’s not why it’s an American institution.
The Ten Most Scandalous Divorces in American History
For centuries the Newport rich have been commissioning portraits of themselves—and sometimes getting a surprise when they see the results


I think John Steele Gordon is onto something in his remarks about our genetic need to tell stories. Though second-term blues have been common throughout our history, the reasons for them, as both he and Fredric Schwarz point out, are wildly disparate. A glance at three recent presidents reveals…
My recent comments about Eleanor Roosevelt and the Bonus March seem to have incited two of my fellow bloggers to entries of their own. They were not in agreement with my views. I will not address the political issues, but I do apologize for my historical mistake. As Frederic Schwarz observed, the…
On September 15, still trying to get it right, President Bush made his fourth visit to the area devastated by Katrina. Each trip has been, it seems to me, more carefully scripted. Gone are the off-the-cuff jokes about youthful hell-raising and the accolades to incompetent officials. The most recent…
A few months ago, on a flight from Atlanta to New York, I found myself in a seat behind a man of about 19 or 20. He was wearing fatigues, the functional, not the fashionable, kind. Even before we took off, I knew something was up. While the rest of us struggled on our own to squeeze oversized bags…