He became the dean of American historians after learning his craft working five years on the staff of American Heritage.
It was a challenging couple of months after the flood, but our offices will soon be operational again.
A convenient index to the nearly 100 articles in American Heritage in 2020
Nearing its 70th anniversary, the magazine was relaunched in digital format for 72,000 subscribers.
American Heritage, the beloved, 68-year-old magazine of history, returns to regular publication on our Nation’s Birthday, July 4, 2017.
More than 600 donors chipped in to help fund the relaunch of the magazine.
A longtime contributor and former editor introduces the special anniversary issue
Notes about the famous historian and American Heritage editor
Forty seven years ago, the president wrote for American Heritage that the study of history is no mere pastime but the means by which a nation establishes its sense of identity and purpose
Like the nation it covers, American Heritage was revolutionary at its birth. And like that nation’s story, ours is a real cliffhanger.
The great storyteller and famed historian lent authority and good advice to our aspiring magazine
The longtime adviser to American Heritage wrote history not simply as a means of talking with other historians, but in order to talk to the general reader.
Our American heritage is greater than any one of us.