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The great historian Donald Kagan, who passed away this month, reminded us that we can often see into the future by studying the past

We have all seen the disturbing images recently of the fall of Afghanistan. After twenty years of military presence, with over $3 trillion spent and, more tragically, over two thousand American lives lost, the final U.S. forces left the country.

A soldier-historian looks at how the world has changed in the past decade and finds that America is both hostage to history and likely to be saved by it

Military historians sometimes write biographies of people they call military intellectuals.

A year after the September attacks, it has become clear that ours is a very old enemy.

How our technologies are still our allies

In the early 1880s, a Maine-born inventor named Hiram Maxim, who had tried and failed to become a leading figure in the young electrical industry, met a fellow American in Vienna who told him, “Hang your chemistry and electricity!

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