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    History in 30th Nov

  • Battle of Franklin

    Confederate attackers under Lieutenant General John B. Hood suffer a devastating loss at the Battle of Franklin in central Tennessee. Hood's Army of Tennessee could not break the Union defense organized by Major General John Schofield and suffered significant casualties.

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  • Mark Twain born

    Samuel Clemens, better known by his pseudonym 'Mark Twain', is born in Florida, Missouri. Born during the passing of Halley's Comet, Twain, best known for his humor, suggested that he would die upon its return (he was one day off).

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  • Winston Churchill born

    British statesman and military veteran Winston Churchill is born in Oxfordshire, England. One of only seven foreigners to be granted honorary American citizenship, Churchill served in the British Army, led the Conservative Party in Parliament, and inspired millions of Britons and colonial subjects as prime minister during World War II, as he and President Roosevelt led the campaign against tyrannical imperialism.

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