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    History in 29th Nov

  • LBJ creates Warren Commission

    One week after President Kennedy's assassination, President Lyndon B. Johnson establishes the Warren Commission to investigate the alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, his death, and any possible conspiracies.

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  • Whitman Massacre in present-day Washington

    A band of Cayuse and Umatilla Indians massacre Dr. Marcus Whitman, his wife Narcissa, and eleven other missionaries near Fort Walla Walla in present-day Washington. Several causes include a Cholera outbreak, a local conflict between Catholic and Protestant missionaries, and a renegade Cayuse named Joe Lewis who sought to instigate a destabilizing crisis.

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  • Louisa May Alcott born

    American novelist Louisa May Alcott is born in Germantown, Pennsylvania. Alcott, most famous for Little Women, was the daughter of noted transcendentalist Amos Bronson Alcott, who moved the family to rural Massachusetts to embrace the natural world. 

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