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    History in 27th Aug

  • Theodore Dreiser born

    American author Theodore Dreiser was born in Terre Haute, Indiana.
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  • LBJ born

    36th President Lyndon B. Johnson was born on a small farm outside of Stonewall, Texas. Johnson was first elected to Congress in 1937 and continued to serve during World War II, when he became a Naval officer in the Pacific Theater. His "Great Society" programs and embrace of the Civil Rights Movement somewhat overshadow his unrealistic pursuit of victory in Vietnam

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  • Japan's PM requests meeting with FDR

    Japan's Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe requests a meeting with President Franklin Roosevelt to diminish rising tensions between the two countries; he would resign in October and was succeeded by the more militaristic General Hideki Tojo.
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  • Battle of Long Island

    A formidable British army commanded by General William Howe defeats General George Washington at the Battle of Long Island, also known as the Battle of Brooklyn. In the largest battle in North American history American soldiers could not hold their defensive lines, but slyly escaped Brooklyn, avoiding total defeat. 

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