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    History in 30th May

  • Pierce signs the Kansas-Nebraska Act

    President Franklin Pierce signs the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 into law, effectively nullifying the Missouri Compromise that had been enacted in 1820. By granting popular sovereignty over the issue of slavery in Kansas and Nebraska the compromise voided the ban on slavery, in place since 1820, and essentially began a civil war in Kansas between pro-slavery and abolitionist militias.

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  • 1st Indianapolis 500 held

    Ray Harroun wins the first Indianapolis 500, initially referred to as the 1911 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race, hosted at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Harroun won the $14,250 prize driving his Marmon Model "Wasp", completing the race in 6:42:08.

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  • Decoration Day celebrated

    Decoration Day, the precursor to Memorial Day, is first observed under the direction of Civil War General John A. Logan, who was serving in the House of Representatives. Since 1868 Americans have honored their fallen countrymen who died for the United States of America on Memorial Day, which was changed to the last Monday in May. 

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