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    History in 29th May

  • Bonus Marchers descend on Washington

    The "Bonus Expeditionary Force", a group of impoverished World War I veterans seeking service compensation, arrive in Washington D.C. to pressure President Herbert Hoover and Congress. Dubbed the Bonus Army, these veterans and their families had been financially crippled during the Great Depression and set up camps in the nation's capital.

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  • Patrick Henry born

    Founding Father Patrick Henry is born in Hanover County, Virginia. Best known for proclaiming "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" speech in Richmond in 1775, Henry helped organize Virginia's support for the American Revolution and served two term's as the Governor of Virginia.

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  • JFK born

    35th President John F. Kennedy is born in Brookline, Massachusetts. Kennedy served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, eventually commanding a PT boat in the Pacific Ocean. After World War II Kennedy served in the House of Representatives and Senate before being elected to the White House in 1960. His term was cut short by Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963. 

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