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    History in 12th Dec

  • Pennsylvania ratifies the Constitution

    Five days after Delaware joins the Union, Pennsylvania ratifies the Constitution as the second state.

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  • Bush vs Gore decided

    The United States Supreme Court rules in favor of George W. Bush in Bush v. Gore, the legal challenge to the Florida Supreme Court's issuance of a statewide recount. The 5-4 decision essentially ended all recounts in Florida, declaring Bush the winner in Florida and giving him the necessary 271 electoral votes to win the 2000 presidential election. 

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  • USS Panay sunk in China

    USS Panay sinks in the Yangtze River in China during a Japanese air attack on Nanjing. The American gunboat had been stationed in China to protect American citizens and financial investments in China. Because the Japan and the United States were not yet at war, the Japanese issued an apology and paid indemnity for the unprovoked attack on a neutral vessel. 

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