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    History in 10th Dec

  • Mississippi enters the Union

    Mississippi enters the Union as the 20th state. Following the American Revolution, the Spanish laid claim to the American South before ceding the lands north of Florida in 1795.

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  • Treaty of Paris (1898) signed

    The Treaty of Paris officially ends the Spanish-American War. In the treaty Spain ceded Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United States, receiving $20 million for the Philippines. The Senate barely approved the treaty, as some senators rejected American imperialism in the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Oceans and argued against acquiring Puerto Rico and the Philippines.

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  • Wyoming territory grants female suffrage

    The Wyoming Territory becomes the first American polity to grant women the right to vote. When Wyoming entered the Union in 1890 as the 44th state, it became the first state that enabled female suffrage.

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