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    History in 25th Oct

  • Operation Urgent Fury

    President Ronald Reagan authorizes Operation Urgent Fury, the American-led invasion of Grenada. The invasion was an American response to the overthrow and murder of Grenadian Prime Minister Maurice Bishop by pro-Soviet and pro-Cuban forces.

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  • USS United States captures HMS Macedonian

    In a naval battle off Madeira in the eastern Atlantic, the USS United States, captained by Stephen Decatur, defeats the HMS Macedonia, captures the British frigate, and sails the Macedonia back to New York. 

  • Adlai Stevenson presents photographs of Cuban missile sites

    The American Ambassador to the United Nations, Adlai Stevenson, confronts the Soviet ambassador Valerian Zorin about the Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba. After Zorin refuses to acknowledge the Soviet missiles, Stevenson presents the aerial photographs of Soviet missile sites in Cuba.

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  • Battle off Samar

    In the decisive engagement of the Battle of Leyte Gulf, a small detachment of the U.S. Seventh Fleet defeats a larger, more powerful Japanese naval force at the Battle off Samar, east of Samar Island in the Philippines.

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