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    History in 19th Oct

  • Union troops victorious at Battle of Cedar Creek

    Despite being caught off-guard by a Confederate surprise attack, Union forces led by General Philip Sheridan claim a key victory at the Battle of Cedar Creek, ending Confederate hopes of securing the Shenandoah Valley.

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  • Confederate St. Albans raid

    Confederate Lieutenant Bennett H. Young leads the St. Albans Raid, a Confederate attack on St. Albans, Vermont. Having planned the attack in Canada, Young and his soldiers successfully robbed three banks in Vermont, but were later arrested by Canadian police after they crossed back into Canada.

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  • Official surrender at Yorktown

    During the formal surrender of the British army at Yorktown, British General Charles O' Hara surrenders to American General Benjamin Lincoln. General Charles Cornwallis did not appear to surrender his sword, sending O' Hara instead, who was instructed to surrender to Lincoln after George Washington did not accept his sword.

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