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    History in 11th Sep

  • Henry Hudson discovers Manhattan and the Hudson River

    English explorer Henry Hudson, sailing for the Dutch East India Company, sails into New York Harbor and discovers Manhattan Island.

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  • Continental Army defeated at Battle of Brandywine

    British soldiers under General William Howe win a decisive victory over George Washington and the Continental Army at the Battle of Brandywine.

  • 911 attacks

    Terrorists hijack four airplanes and attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, killing almost 3,000 people. A fourth plane, United Flight 93, was heroically retaken by the passengers but tragically crashed outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania. 

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  • Battle of Plattsburgh

    In the final day of fighting, the Battle of Plattsburgh, also known as the Battle of Lake Champlain, sees a combined American land and naval force gain control of Lake Champlain and halt the British invasion of New York and Vermont.

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