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    History in 21st Aug

  • Hawaii becomes 50th state

    Hawaii enters the Union as the 50th state as President Dwight Eisenhower signs the Hawaii Admission Act into law.

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  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner begins his slave rebellion in Southhampton County, Virginia. The largest slave revolt in U.S. history, Turner's rebellion killed around 60 white people before it was quashed; over 100 black slaves were killed by mobs in the aftermath.

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  • Lincoln-Douglas debates

    The Lincoln-Douglas debates begin as Abraham Lincoln and Senator Stephen Douglas debate the merits of slavery and its expansion. The debates covered seven Illinois congressional districts between August 21 and October 15, 1858. Although Lincoln lost the Senate race he brought national attention both to himself and to the Republican Party, ultimately winning him the 1860 presidential election.

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