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    History in 16th Aug

  • Babe Ruth died

    Babe Ruth died of cancer in New York City. His body laid in state for two days at Yankee Stadium.
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  • Tyler burned in effigy

    Protesters--largely composed of members of his own party--burned President Tyler in effigy outside of the White House when he vetoed a second Congressional attempt to re-establish the Bank of the United States.
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  • Klondike Gold Rush begins

    George Carmack finds gold in the Klondike River in the Yukon Territory, causing the last great Western gold rush. 
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  • Elvis dies

    Elvis Presley, "The King," is found dead in his Graceland Mansion in Memphis. One of rock 'n roll's first icons, Presley grew up in poverty in Mississippi before joining the military. Years of drug and alcohol abuse withered his health, but Presley continued to make public appearances up until his death. 

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