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    History in 13th Aug

  • Memphis epidemic

    The first victim of Memphis' yellow fever epidemic died. the disease would kill 5,000 of the city's residents in just two months.
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  • Hitchcock born

    Alfred Hitchcock, the famed Hollywood filmmaker, was born in London.
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  • Castro born

    Fidel Castro, future communist dictator, was born in eastern Cuba.
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  • Annie Oakley born

    Annie Oakley, the sharpshooter of Buffalo Bill's Wild West show, was born in Patterson Township, Ohio.
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  • Reagan signs ERTA.

    President Reagan signed the Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA).
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  • Battle of Britain escalates

    German pilots began the bombing of southern England; the Battle of Britain would last until October 31st.
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  • Berlin divided

    As soldiers laid down bricks and barbed wire, Berlin was divided into two halves: the Soviet east and the democratic west.
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