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    History in 10th Aug

  • Japan surrenders

    One day after the bombing of Nagasaki, Japan accepts the terms of the Potsdam Conference and agrees to an unconditional surrender.
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  • Smithsonian created

    President James K. Polk signs the Smithsonian Institution Act, creating a national museum and research complex at the bequest of English scientist James Smithson.

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  • Hoover born

    31st President Herbert Hoover (and American Heritage author) is born in West Branch, Iowa. The first president born west of the Mississippi River, Hoover served as the Secretary of Commerce under Presidents Harding and Coolidge before being elected to the White House in 1928. 

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  • Missouri becomes 24th state

    Missouri is admitted to the Union as the 24th state. A contentious issue, Congress finally decided that Missouri would enter the Union as a slave state, though it defined its southern border as the northernmost limit of slavery expansion. 

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