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    History in 4th Aug

  • Anne Frank captured

    Anne Frank and her family were captured by the Gestapo in Amsterdam.
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  • Civil rights workers found dead

    The bodies of three civil rights activists who disappeared while working for the Congress of Racial Equality in Mississippi are unearthed amid large-scale FBI investigation.
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  • Custer and 7th Cavalry attacked by Indians
    Custer and the U.S. 7th Cavalry engage with Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, and a band of Sioux Indians for the first time along the Tongue River in southeastern Montana.
  • Washington becomes Master Mason
    George Washington is named a Master Mason, the highest Freemason rank, in a secret ceremony held in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
  • Wilson declares American neutrality in WWI
    President Woodrow Wilson declares American neutrality as Europe descends into WWI.
  • Lizzie Borden's parents found dead

    Lizzie Borden's parents were found bludgeoned to death in their Massachusetts home.
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