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    History in 12th Jul

  • Mondale selects Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate

    Democratic presidential nominee and former Vice President Walter Mondale selects New York Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate for the 1984 Presidential Election. Ferraro, the daughter of an Italian immigrant, became the first woman running on a major presidential ticket.

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  • Hull leads 1812 invasion of Canada

    General William Hull leads a small invasion of Canada by 1,000 militia. Hull, the governor of the Michigan Territory, crossed the Detroit River and attacked present-day Windsor, Ontario. Upon hearing of a British threat to Detroit, Hull quickly retreated back to the United States.

  • Henry David Thoreau born

    American author and poet Henry David Thoreau is born in Concord, Massachusetts. A leading figure of the transcendentalist movement, Thoreau is best known for his writing at Walden Pond and for his refusing to pay taxes because they would support the expansion of slavery.

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