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    History in 10th Jul

  • Scopes Monkey trial begins

    The Scopes Trial begins in Dayton, Tennessee, as high school science teacher John Scopes is tried for teaching evolution to his students, violating the Butler Act. Best known as the "Scopes Monkey Trial" it became a national trial between over evolution argued by two high-profile attorneys: William Jennings Bryan for the prosecution, and Clarence Darrow for the defense.

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  • Wyoming enters the Union

    Wyoming enters the Union as the 44th state. Nicknamed the "Equality State," Wyoming became the first American state or territory to guarantee women the right to vote in 1869, 21 years before statehood.

  • Operation Husky begins

    Operation Husky, the Allied invasion of Sicily, begins with an airborne assault on Italian and German positions, followed by a massive amphibious invasion. In an effort to attack the underbelly of Axis-controlled Europe, British and American forces misled the Axis command by feigning an attack on Sardinia and Greece. 

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