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    History in 4th Jul

  • Independence Day

    The Second Continental Congress finalizes the Declaration of Independence and announces the creation of the United States of America. Since 1776 Americans have celebrated their independence from Great Britain on July 4.

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  • Vicksburg surrenders

    Vicksburg, Mississippi, the last major Confederate outpost on the Mississippi River, surrenders to General Ulysses S. Grant after a seven month campaign. By capturing the fortress city, commanded by Confederate General John Pemberton, the Union Navy controlled the Mississippi River and split the Confederacy in two.

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  • Coolidge born

    30th President Calvin Coolidge is born in Plymouth, Vermont. Born John Calvin Coolidge, Jr. Coolidge began his career as a lawyer in New England, later being elected as the Governor of Massachusetts in 1918. Elected as Warren Harding's vice president in 1920, Coolidge ascended to the White House after Harding died in 1923.

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