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    History in 28th Jun

  • Treaty of Versailles signed

    Germany signs the Treaty of Versailles with its World War I adversaries, taking the blame for starting the war and agreeing to concede territory and pay reparations. The treaty was very controversial in the United States, as President Woodrow Wilson grappled with the Republican-controlled Congress over its provisions.

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  • Franz Ferdinand shot in Sarajevo

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the assumed heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, is assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia. His assassination, carried out by Bosnian Serbs, sought to liberate Bosnia from Austro-Hungarian control; instead, it set off a series of threats and counter-threats that started World War I.

  • Battle of Monmouth

    British and American forces battle to a inconclusive draw at the Battle of Monmouth, fought in Monmouth Court House, New Jersey. While neither side could claim a decisive victory, it hurried the British withdrawal to New York City and demonstrated General George Washington's leadership in battle.

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