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    Today in History

  • Alexander Graham Bell born

    Inventor and entrepreneur Alexander Graham Bell is born in Edinburgh, Scotland. Bell, who invented the telephone in 1875 with his assistant Thomas Watson, later obtained a patent for his model of the telephone and started the Bell Telephone Company, which later involved into AT&T.

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  • Freedmen's Bureau established

    President Abraham Lincoln signs the Freedmen's Bureau Bill, passed by Congress to provide food, housing, and employment and educational opportunities to freed slaves during Reconstruction. The Freedman's Bureau, first commissioned by Union General Oliver O. Howard, distributed food rations and founded schools and colleges for African-Americans across the South.

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  • General Ridgway born

    American General Mattew B. Ridgway is born at Fort Monroe, Virginia. Ridgway, the son of a colonel and a West Point alumnus, helped plan the Allied invasions of Sicily and France during World War II. Ridgway, however, is best remembered for leading the U.S. 8th Army during the Korean War, where he led Allied counterattacks north of the 38th Parallel. After Korea Ridgway commanded NATO forces in Europe and was later promoted to Chief of Staff of the Army.

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